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Neat and handy:
Former member of the Automation Systems Group, Institute of Computer Engineering
General areas of interests:
- Unix System Management (Solaris, Linux, Apollo DomainOS, Security, Networkprogramming, C-, Shell-, Perl-Programming)
- Security issues (Unix, TCP/IP, operating systems in general)
- Mailsoftware (especially Sendmail, Amavis, Milter-Greylist)
- USENET News Management
- Security (Operating Systems, E-Mail, Tunneling, Public Key Systems)
- Programming Languages (C, C++, Perl, various shell script dialects, Forth, Assembler)
- Web-Design (Web-Server-Management, CGI-Programming using Shell- and Perl-Scripts)
- Embedded Systems (pSOS+, RT/Embedded Linux, 8-bit based systems (SBC) and micro controller)
Responsibility areas:
Following activities are part of the communication services at the
Vienna University of Technology, serving the whole campus.
- E-mail services
- Mail router and bastion server management
- anti-spam measures (TU members only)
- Mail-Aliases/Forwarding (,,,,
- Central Spam/UCE flagging
- Central virus protection
- Anti-spamming/Anti-relaying
- Virtual mail domains and mail aliases handling
- Mail routing, forwarding/blocking
- Other postmaster issues (abuse handling, server reachablility, mail processing)
- Support for mailing lists (Sympa)
- Support for upTUdate services
- Account management (AD passwords)
- Autoconfiguration
- High availibility proxy
- Basic network routing
- Mail encryption- and signing - Secure Gateway (S/MIME, GPG, End-2-end encryption)
- Support for student's e-mail services
- Certificate handling
- TUwebsiteHosting management (formerly known as info service)
- Plesk-Managed Info-Server
- Wordpress hosting for TU Wien pages
- Legacy Info-Server
- User and account management (SSH access, filesystem quotas, password)
- Web-Content (URL setup/deletion, Links in case of emergency)
- Security consulting
- Certificate approval (Sectigo)
- Incident handling:
- Phishing, scam, spam report processing
- E-mail virus report processing
- Account abuse and locking (upTUdate)
- User tracking for copyright issues, abuse and attack handling
- Consulting for e-mail-based services
- Consulting and small administrative duties
- Ticketsystem Assyst e-mail processing and filtering, mailrouting, HA-proxy
- Repostitory management ( wide)
- TISS mass mail sending environment (special orders)
- Mailrouting <-> TISS Synchronisation
- TUcard reader/writer server environment, account approval
- TUchat administration and HA-proxy environment
- KMS HA-proxy and access environment
Current Projects:
Outgoing Mailrelay renewal.
Incoming Mailrelay renewal.
Software maintainance and development participation:
- SRS socketmap daemon (Perl)
- Miltrassassin sendmail milter
- Milter-Greylist sendmail milter
Old Projects: