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Changed: 11c11
* 19" rack based system (GESPACs GESBUS bus system G-64)
* 19" rack based system (Eurocard GESPACs GESBUS bus system G-64)

Read OS-9 Disk

Read floppy disks written under a OS-9 level 1 environment on PC-based hardware.
See also a more detailled description "[Reading OS9 Disks in Linux]".

See also [general hints on how to read old floppy disks].

OS-9 Hardware

Disk were written on a developement system for embedded application system consisting of

PC Hardware

Check other Floppy Disk Controller for PC hardware (if you want to read FM or single density formats):

BIOS Setup

Adaptec AHA-1542

booting and OS support

Booting with a Linux live CD:

 knoppix noscsi
This is needed if the boot procedure seems to hang because the aha1542.o module probing takes really a lot of time ...


Other tools to read RBF filesystem images:

Extracting Data

Try to guess the format of the first track (for drive 1, without search for sync identification):

 ./os9guess -c -1

Copy the whole disk into a image with ...


... giving following dialog:

  Read OS9 Disk Read Utility
  By Bob van der Poel
  And Johann Klasek

  Select the disk format/drive combination
  0. COCO OS9 40/18 DS
  1. MM1 80/36 DS
  2. MM1 80/33 DS
  3. Univeral 80/16 DS
  4. Coco 35/18 Doublestep
  5. Coco 80/18 Doublestep
  6. DD 80/16, DS, Track0/Side0? FM (single density)

 Enter format: 6
 Floppy drive (0,1,2,3): 1
 Prepare the floppy in /dev/fd1 and enter the name of an
 image file. If the file exists it will be overwritten: d1

The images is now stored in file d1.

Analyse an image or a partial image ...

 # read sector 0 of an imagefile and show the parameters ...
 ./sector0 d1

BTW: sector0 provides more details than os9id from the [os9tools package] (like mtools but for RBF formated filesystems).

Get the files out of the image ...

 # show directory recursively (short style)
 ./os9disk d1

 # show directory recursively (long style)
 ./os9disk -l d1

 # extract all files into directory d1_files/ ...
 mkdir d1_files
 ./os9disk -x -d d1_files d1

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Last edited August 25, 2020 5:48 pm by JohannKlasek (diff)